Saturday, March 23, 2013

Number One

So this will officially be my first post. Makes sense to start a blog at the beginning of a journey like this, although the journey actually began years ago with the idea...

Writing is fun, sharing that writing is a scary concept and I'm nowhere near at the point that I'm about to do it yet. Hopefully, this blog and the time it takes me to write my story, the one I hope will be a book someday, will help me find that courage.

So, this is my online journal. It will show my journey to the world. Triumphs and failures laid out on the table.

Today... well, today is still TBD but yesterday was a triumph. The first day I set an official writing goal for myself and I surpassed it. Almost doubled it, actually. But so far today has been struggle. I was attempting to writing this piece (I'll refer to it as MC for future reference) in third person because I know in later stories I hope to have more than just one POV. It's not working out so well for me. I relate better to characters when I write in first person, just as I do when I read.

So, I'm giving in. At least for now, MC will be first person in the POV of my female protagonist.

And in looking at the journal post, I see that I use the word "so" far too much at the start of paragraphs...

So, I'll be doing so research for a new word to use in place of "so."

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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